Vertical bale presses

The vertical bale presses reduce with up to 95% the volume of the compacted waste.

Due to the small footprint, they are very practical and preferred to the classical voluminous and heavy containers. They are simple to install and can be easily placed where they are needed. The baled waste are ejected automatically and place on a pallet by flipping them to 90⁰. The exceptions are: the Manual vertical baling press where the bales are extracted by the operator, and the Automatic vertical basic baling press where the bales are extracted with a special trolley. The tying and securing with band is done manually.

They are recommended in production and retail: hyper or super markets, textile and clothing factories, furniture factories and showrooms, waste collection centers, etc.

The presses can be manual, semi-automated and automated, The resulted bales are secured with different types of wiring: twined, band, thread coil.

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